Monday, August 3, 2009


It seems so long ago that the Vermont 100 went on, even though it's been only two weeks gone! I still wonder "what if?" Could I have been able to struggle through? I feel so good now. But I guess I have come to the conclusion that I feel so good now because I stopped when I did. I did not push myself over the limit. And I really think that I am glad that I didn't.

I have gotten back in the saddle, so to speak. I have been doing some cross-training and getting some good rides in on my bike. What a powerful feeling to put the chain in the big ring and just fly! I have even gotten back out running and did a little run/hike with Joe on the trails in Virgil and had a really nice time. And I have gotten my mind back into racing and am looking forward to getting in some stronger runs.

Next on the list is the Green Lakes Endurance Runs 50K. I have never run this race before and so I am looking forward to it. It is a 4-loop course, which will give me ample access to my fuels and I can hopefully find a good combination that will keep me energized. At this time I am in first place in the Western NY Ultra Series standings for Open Women. This is somewhere I have never been before! A good finish at GLER will keep me there. Just a little something to keep me focused and going.

I have also changed my entry from the Iroquois 100 to the 50-miler. I still keep going over it in my head that I can do the 100; I have the training under my belt. And then I look at all the other things going on right now and I come back to reality and realize that I need to focus on so many other things right now and it would be totally selfish to focus my efforts on the 100. So I am looking forward to this being my 100 for next year. I think the timing will be right and the layoff will be good for my soul. I hope to get out to Virgil soon to tackle some of the trails that I have never been on which are part of the race course.

So for right now, it's time to enjoy what's left of the summer. Next up: Mountain Madness, which is Joe's race. This will be really cool this year because it is being staged out of our home, so it will be like hosting a big party with running in the middle! Our neighbors are also getting involved with helping, which is really cool to have some new faces out there.

Things are looking up!

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