Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's still Madness - just in a new form!

The madness continues! The 24th Annual Mountain Madness runs will be held this year on Sunday, August 16. When the race director was unable to direct the race again this year, it looked like The Madness might be coming to an end. But, thank goodness, it didn't happen. Joe Reynolds stepped-up to the plate and is keeping The Madness going - just in a new and different form. The Madness races have always been run on trails out in Virgil, however, Joe wanted to bring something new and different and introduce a new locale to runners. Come on out to the hills of Newfield! But it is still being called Mountain Madness, and once you get out on the course you'll know why. The climbs are amazing, the decents most excellent, and the views out of this world! And something new this year to keep things interesting . . . a challenge. When runners come to pick-up their numbers they will be asked to declare themselves as either a trail runner or a road runner (since you can make your decision during the race of which race you will be running, all runners will be asked to make a declaration before the start but the challenge applies to the 30K runners only). The race course is on roads, however many of them are seasonal roads of dirt and gravel (and potholes and mud)! There are paved sections, too, but trailrunners, don't be scared! There is plenty of dirt & gravel shoulder to keep your feet and legs happy! Manned aid stations will be located approximately every three miles with one or two unmanned stations along the way - liquids available, but you will have to slow down if you want them from these spots! Even though there is plenty of aid, you will likely want to carry your own - the August heat and sun (as well as the climbs!) can drain you before you know it! Don't waste yourself on the early hills because there will always be plenty more. So the challenge is . . . which type of runner will prevail on this course? Some sort of trinket will be given to the winning side (see the entry form on to find out who gets the awards).

There are NO CUT-OFFS; take as much time as you wish and enjoy the run! We're in no hurry . . . we're already home! The usual post-race snacks will be available after the race, but if you wish to bring something to grill, our grill is your grill. Non-alcoholic beverages only will be provided, but feel free to bring your own favorite post-race recovery brew. And if you want to enjoy a night under the stars and wake-up just feet from the starting line, bring your tent and camp-out in our yard on Saturday night - we just ask that you arrive before dark.

Intrigued? Take a picture-tour of the course HERE. Come on out and put a little madness into your running!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could be there...I'd run it! I know those hills out there and can't wait to hear how it goes down. Good luck!
